Wednesday, December 10, 2008

New store, just opened!

Beyond Juice
620 University Ave.
San Diego, CA 92103
(619) 291-5055

As a former store owner, Christmas is a tough season. Please stop by and try this new store out. If their menu is typical they provide a healthier choice of a meal or snack.

I am curious how they acquired a license to open the store with a California Cease and Desist order that is supposed to prevent Beyond Juice and Morrie Friedman from selling licenses in California?

Paul of Redding, former store owner

1 comment:

Person said...

Hey - just out the "basic blend" - it's just non-fat dried milk and sugar. It's not healthy at all - the place is a complete scam!!

and did you notive there is no information provided with the powders - ever wonder what is in it??

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